Arrival/Dismissal Policy & Procedures
Call Tech Dismissal System :
Gulf International School uses the latest technology to better the lives and safety of our students and parents. We have purchased and installed the Call Tech Education Application for automated dismissal and its accompanying smart phone application for parents to download.
Parents whose children use private transportation complete the CallTech information form, download the application (they may share this with both parents or a driver) and then the school issues a dismissal card.
The procedure is as follows:
1. Register your phone number
2. You will receive a code to activate your account
3. Set your password
4. You will find your child’s name (if you have more than one child, you will find all their names)
5. Please upload your child(ren)’s picture for us to issue their cards
The parent arrives at school and ques to pick up their child. They activate the call button for their child. Their child’s name is announced and shows on the screens installed on each floor. The student is sent down to the waiting parent while passing through the screen reader to show that the student has exited the school.
This system makes it easy for the school and the parents to track the children and it allows for a safe, orderly method of dismissal.
Students Using Private Cars :
• Boys Section students will arrive at Gate 3 ONLY even if accompanied by a sibling from the Girls Section.
• Girls Section students will arrive at Gate 7 ONLY even if accompanied by a sibling from the Boys Section.
• All students must enter at Gate 3 or 7; no private car may drop students near the front entrance.
• If a parent drops the student at any point and makes the child walk; the guard will direct the child to Gate number 3 or 7
and the parent will be called not to repeat this action.
• At the end of the school day, all parents of students using private cars will use CallTech Smart Dismissal application to page thier child once the parent arrives to school. Parent will be not able to page thier child before 1:20 p.m.
• Parents must follow all pick-up procedures following:
a. Lining up at dismissal time in the pick-up zone.
b. Students can only enter thier cars in the loading zone.
c. No parent can park to pick-up their child.
• Students who arrive late must enter from the main entrance where they will sign their name,grade and
section, and the reason for their tardiness.
• Students whose parents come to pick them up early will sign a permission slip containing the parents name,
students name, students’ grade and section, and sign.
• Students will stay inside the gates until they are passed.
• Any visitor to our school should enter at the Main Entrance ( where the security guards will record his/her name and ID # )
• The guard will give a Visitor’s Pass that must be collected back before the visitor leaves.
• Once in the main reception, the receptionists will ask to see your Visitors Pass.
• They will record your name, the time of arrival, your reason for visiting, and will direct you from there.
Students Walking to/from School :
• Students who walk to school will enter from Gate 3 (Boys Section students) or Gate 7 (Girls Section Students).
• Girls will be dismissed through our new CallTech Smart Dismissal application at 1:15 p.m.
• Students with siblings in different sections may escort their younger sibling to the correct school gate and then
walk to their appropriate school gate in the mornings and may wait for their siblings at the correct gate at
dismissal time.
• Students who arrive late must enter from the main entrance where they will sign their name, grade and section,and the reason for their tardiness.
Students Using the School Bus :
. School Busses will arrive and enter through the school's basement
Bus students will exit school by being taken downstairs to the basement to board thier busses by the school's dismissal team between 1:15 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. Busses depart the school by 1:30 p.m
Dismissal procedure for KG Students :
• KG students will leave at 12:30 p.m. They will have an intercom for the parents to call for their child’s name
at Gate 7. The student(s) will be escorted to the door to meet their parent(s).
• Parents who wish to keep their children in KG until 1:45 p.m. must pay an additional fee.
*KG students will follow the arrival procedures shared by the whole school depending on type of transportation.

To install this Web App in your iPhone/iPad press and then Add to Home Screen.