Child Protection Policy (CPP)

:Training & Drills
GIS conducts regular training for its staff and conducts periodical announced and unannounced fire drills to ensure that every one including students are well prepared for any emergency .
In the event that a fire alarm sounds or if a teacher, staff or students suspects fire, he or she should sound the alarm :
1. Evacuate building the building immediately
according to the emergency plan .
2. Contact the emergency services; civil defense, fire
department, red crescent, etc .
3. Determine if there are any serious injuries .
4. Arrange triage with the school doctor according to
the emergencies procedures outlined above .
5. Determine building status for return to classes .
Prevention is the key to safety .

Allergies, Injuries & Emergencies*
For Minor and Major Accidents at School:
+ The student is taken to the clinic for assistance by a responsible person where they will be administered to by the School Doctor.
For Symptoms of an Allergic Reaction or other Medical Emergencies:
+ The student is taken to the clinic for assistance by a responsible person where they will be administered to by the School Doctor.
The School Doctor will:
a. Assess situation, remain calm, and make student
b. Only move patient for safety reason.
c. Will triage student and make one of the follow decisions based on seriousness of the situation as the School Doctor determines:
i. Follow medical protocol for student, if on file.
ii. IF the doctor determines the injury of illness is not an emergency; she will treat the minor systems and either contact the parent or send home or call the parent to report the incident.
iii. IF the doctor determines that the injury of illness
requires the parent to attend to the child; the parent will be called to pick up their child.
iv. IF the school doctor determines that the situation is of dire need for medial attention outside of the school either :
* A member of staff along with the doctor will rush the child to the nearest emergency room while a member of staff calls the parent(s).
* Or an emergency ambulance will be called to come to the school while the school doctor constantly
monitors the student and a member of staff calls the parent(s).
School personnel are not allowed by the Ministry of Education to administer injections of any kind to a student including insulin. A parent of a child requiring insulin injections is expected to be contacted if a child’s insulin reaches a level requiring an injection according to the medical report on file.
If the insulin level falls below the recorded measure as
contained in the medical report on file, the parent will be contacted and the school doctor and a staff member will take the child to the ER unless otherwise instructed by the parent.
Gulf International School is a peanut-free institution.
However, parents of students with acute peanut allergies must keep an epi-pen with the school nurse. An epi-pen may be administered per the directives of the Ministry of Health for any child with a life-threatening allergy.
Listed below are some preventative/supportive Actions that can assist with the safety and well-being of your child:
• Complete the admissions form health report and
update as needed.
• List health situations on emergency card for your child; meet with the school doctor .
For Minor and Major Accidents at School:
+ The student is taken to the clinic for assistance by a responsible person where they will be administered to by the School Doctor.
For Symptoms of an Allergic Reaction or other Medical Emergencies:
+ The student is taken to the clinic for assistance by a responsible person where they will be administered to by the School Doctor.
The School Doctor will:
a. Assess situation, remain calm, and make student
b. Only move patient for safety reason.
c. Will triage student and make one of the follow decisions based on seriousness of the situation as the School Doctor determines:
i. Follow medical protocol for student, if on file.
ii. IF the doctor determines the injury of illness is not an emergency; she will treat the minor systems and either contact the parent or send home or call the parent to report the incident.
iii. IF the doctor determines that the injury of illness
requires the parent to attend to the child; the parent will be called to pick up their child.
iv. IF the school doctor determines that the situation is of dire need for medial attention outside of the school either :
* A member of staff along with the doctor will rush the child to the nearest emergency room while a member of staff calls the parent(s).
* Or an emergency ambulance will be called to come to the school while the school doctor constantly
monitors the student and a member of staff calls the parent(s).
School personnel are not allowed by the Ministry of Education to administer injections of any kind to a student including insulin. A parent of a child requiring insulin injections is expected to be contacted if a child’s insulin reaches a level requiring an injection according to the medical report on file.
If the insulin level falls below the recorded measure as
contained in the medical report on file, the parent will be contacted and the school doctor and a staff member will take the child to the ER unless otherwise instructed by the parent.
Gulf International School is a peanut-free institution.
However, parents of students with acute peanut allergies must keep an epi-pen with the school nurse. An epi-pen may be administered per the directives of the Ministry of Health for any child with a life-threatening allergy.
Listed below are some preventative/supportive Actions that can assist with the safety and well-being of your child:
• Complete the admissions form health report and
update as needed.
• List health situations on emergency card for your child; meet with the school doctor .

:GIS Child Protection Team
• The purpose of this ad hoc team is to respond to and manage all child protection reports .
• To the right, the reporting flowchart .
• Members of the ad hoc team may include :
- The School Principal
- The Academic Director
- The School Counselor
- Vice-Principals
that's determined on an as-needed basis .
• Once the incident is reported, and at all times, every aspect of the investigation (including verbal conversations and all resulting actions) must be documented in writing .
• Documentation will be maintained by the school counselor in confidential files stored in a secure location throughout the student’s enrollment at GIS school .
• GIS requires parents to notify the school in writing if
both parents leave the country and provide guardian
contact information during that time .

Child Protection Policy
is a statement of intent that demonstrates a commitment to protecting students from harm (to self and from others) and makes clear to all what is required in relation to the protection of students. It serves to create a safe and positive environment for children and to demonstrate that the school is taking its duty and responsibility seriously.
Maintaining professional boundaries between staff and students
Staff should be aware of their own and other people’s vulnerability, especially when working alone with students, and be particularly aware that they are responsible for maintaining boundaries in such interactions.
All staff will stay current with child protection and safety regulations, including annual safeguarding training or refreshers.
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